Religion and Intelligence

Recently articles dealing with Intelligence and Religion have been published on various web sites such as Breaking: Intelligence and Religion – Negatively Related and Godless Science.  In these articles the authors try to make that case that there is a negative correlation Read more…

Religion and Intensive Life Prolonging Care when Near Death

A study recently published by JAMA (Religious Coping and Use of Intensive Life-Prolonging Care Near Death in Patients with Advanced Cancer. The Journal of the American MedicalAssociation 2009, 301(11): 1140-1147) looked at how religious faith impacted whether near death cancer Read more…

The Hand of God?

A picture of Pulsar B1509 taken by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray observatory. This “hand-like” shape spans 150 light years but it is caused by a neutron star that has a 12 mile diameter. Amazing. Yet, what is even more amazing is Read more…

A Post Christian Nation?

Recently Newseek published the result of its poll on religion in America (One Nation Under God?) and found that “A nation facing problems of biblical proportions appears to be looking less and less to religion for answers.” According to a Read more…

Is the Evangelical Church Near Collapse?

Michael Spencer recently published an article in the Christian Science Monitor entitled: The coming Evangelical Collapse (March 10, 2009). In it he gives 7 reasons why he sees this collapse coming within 10 years and “Within two generations, evangelicalism will Read more…

Prayer – It Still Doesn’t Work

The BBC news has reported: Pilot Jailed for Sicily Air Crash. What was his crime? Instead of doing his job, he thought it would be better to pray: An Italian court has jailed a Tunisian pilot who paused to pray Read more…

The Christian Label?

I just finished reading Dr. Bart Ehrman’s newest book, Jesus Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And Why We Don’t Know About Them). This is an extremely powerful and well written book. Anyone who has an interest in Read more…

American Religious Identification Survey 2008

The American Religious Identification Survey for 2008 was released today. The results are good news for atheists but not so good news for religion in general. As the survey puts it: “The challenge to Christianity in the U.S. does not Read more…

Purpose-Based Explanations – How Deeply Ingrained Are They?

It is well known that children favor teleological (purpose-based) explanations for a variety of phenomena. It may be cute to see a child thinking that rocks were made to break or icebergs exist for polar bears; however, it is assumed Read more…

The Evolution of Religion by Jared Diamond