Why De-Baptism?

I’ve published a lot of atheist musings here and on Facebook, but no post has generated as much concern or hostility as a simple, hilarious “de-baptism ceremony” conducted at the American Atheist conference. This has brought home to me the Read more…

Robert Ingersoll’s Christmas Wish

Robert Ingersoll produced the following Christmas list over one hundred years ago………… If I had the power to produce exactly what I want for next Christmas, I would have all the kings and emperors resign and allow the people to Read more…

Answering Some Facebook Questions

Recently I was asked 2 questions on my Facebook page. 1. Why I am “evangelistic” with respect to atheism? 2. What are the ramifications of believing in Christ if he doesn’t exist? Or if he does exist? Both are good Read more…

What’s An Atheist to Be Thankful For

It is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. and that means a holiday, a turkey dinner and people thanking god for just about everything. Thanksgiving actually has a fairly complex history but it didn’t become an annual tradition until 1863 when Read more…

The Real Face of Atheism? Part II Science

  This is the second in a series rebutting Ravi Zacharias’s 2004 book titled The Real Face of Atheism. It’s taken me a while to write this post partly because Zacharias gets so much wrong it’s infuriating. Either he is Read more…

Faith – A Virtue?

Christianity is not alone among the religions of the world in placing an emphasis on faith.  Faith is a highly regarded virtue. In fact, Rom 14:23 says that “whatever is not from faith is sin” and Heb 11:6 makes it Read more…

The Real Face of Atheism? Part I

Ravi Zacharias, a Christian apologist, published a book in 2004 titled: The Real Face of Atheism. His basic premise is that atheism leads to despair and immorality while Christianity leads to hope and happiness: "Atheism is a world without God. Read more…

Unbelieving Pastors – Belief in Belief?

Dennett and LaScola have published a paper dealing with “Preachers Who Are Not Believers” (Evolutionary Psychology 2010. 8(1):122-150) which was originally posted on the Newsweek/Washington Post Website. These authors interviewed 5 pastors, 3 of which were liberal and 2 who Read more…


I try not to blog about politics, but the whole ordeal of passing Health Care Reform (HCR) in the U.S. stunned me.  I can understand political fights and in-fighting.  I can understand passionate debate over issues. I can even understand Read more…

Confirmation Bias in Prayer

While Confirmation Bias is a simple concept – we remember the “hits” and forget the “misses” – we have to be constantly vigilant to make sure we aren’t committing this error. This is especially difficult because most people place a Read more…