
Welcome to The Happy Millstone. The Happy Millstone is an atheist blogging platform and will usually stick to issues such as atheism, religion, science, agnosticism, and my journey from Christian to Atheist. When talking about religion, by default, I will Read more…

Tragedy and Religious Conviction

When it comes to tragedy, 2013 was not a very good year. The United States had 5 major tragedies: The Boston Marathon bombing (264+ injured, 3 killed), the Moore, OK tornado (24 killed), the West, TX fertilizer plant explosion (160+ Read more…

Proof of the Resurrection? Not Really.

Gary Habermas, a professor of philosophy at the faith-based Liberty University, had an article published in The Washington Post’s On Faith section entitled: “Five reasons to believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead” In this article Dr. Habermas states: Read more…

The Resurrection – Really?

The supposed resurrection of Christ is arguably the most important doctrine of the Christian Church. Paul says: if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins (1Cor 15:17, NASB) The notion of dying Read more…

No Unity Here – Part IV. Worship

What is more important to a believer than worshiping the god who bestows all kinds of blessings (and curses) upon a believer’s life? Almost all religions have some type of worship ritual and it seems that all kinds of gods Read more…

Thanksgiving and Lessons on the Separation of Church and State

During the Thanksgiving Day season it is appropriate to reflect on how this day came about. I am not talking about the nice, sanitized visions of turkeys, corn and peaceful Indians. I am talking about the reason the Pilgrims came Read more…

Belief but Not Really?

Can a person claim to a member in good standing of a religious organization yet not believe it’s core doctrines? The short answer is “No.” The long answer is, “It’s Complicated.” Obviously, I think, a person is being disingenuous to Read more…

Doubt & Unbelief = Punishment?

Doubt and unbelief cannot be overcome by logical reasoning and proofs. The only treatment for doubt is punishment. (Promise and Deliverance S. G. De Graaf. Volume I. Page 65) But he said to him, “If they do not listen to Read more…

No Unity Here – Part III. The Lord’s Supper

We now approach another controversy within the Christian community – that of the Lord’s Supper. Or is it The Eucharist or Divine Liturgy or Blessed Sacrament or Communion or Holy Communion or… well you get the idea. Denominations can’t even Read more…

No Unity Here – Part II Baptism

Another controversy within the Christian community is that of baptism. If you believe the Bible, Jesus gave a simple command: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, Read more…